‘Clay Works’ – Ceramics Exhibition Tues 24th Sept - Sat 5th Oct 2019
An exhibition of over 100 peices of ceramics, all produced by artists
and makers who attend sessions at ClayWorks. SCA opened ClayWorks in May 2016 and we now have 40 plus makers and artists coming to work with clay every week.
There are sculptors, throwers, hand builders, casters, slabbers and pinchers. Some plan methodically whilst others wait for the clay to
tell them what to do. At the end of the day they all begin with the same material and finish with something totally different to anything else.
Since opening they have fired in excess of 12,000 works and used more than 5 tonnes of clay. Come to ArtHouse and be amazed at how some of it has turned out and how varied the work is.