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Paul Scott

I use a camera as some people use a diary. My school science teacher introduced me to photography in 1973.  Every part of the process was manual then.


Calculating flash exposure required a 'degree' in mathematics, and manually focussing and exposing a ‘bird in flight’ required great reflexes.


Whilst I enjoy a wide range of photography from abstract architecture through moody street scenes and onto expansive landscape vistas, my real passion lies in capturing wildlife in its natural habitat.


Two factors really helped promote my interest. Digital imaging and technology brought dramatic changes. Automatic exposure, automatic focussing and the ability to ‘waste’ images without flirting with bankruptcy.


At the age of 50 I ploughed my way through 4 ‘A’ levels in Physics Chemistry Biology and Mathematics. I then spent 3 years gaining a first class honours degree in Marine Ecology at the University of Liverpool, followed by a Masters Degree in bird behaviour.


My photography now reflects a deep knowledge and understanding of natural history.


Please enjoy the results!


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